Sunday 26 May 2013

housewives do nothing at home!!!!!

Do anybody know the exact definition of “housewife”.
The job of a housewife is to take care of him and other members of the household and participate in the care of their home. Some of the usual things that a housewife does are:
·         Planning meals
·         Buying food
·         Preparing and cooking food
·         Serving food
·         Washing up after meals
Cleaning, decorating and provision of clothing
·         Cleaning the home
·         Seasonal cleaning like washing the curtains and beating carpets
·         Cleaning out the garage
·         Decorating (arranging the furniture and ornaments, and choosing the colours of things)
·         Washing clothes
·         Ironing clothes
·         Mending clothes (and sometimes making them)
·         Shopping for new clothes and other family needs

Not yet finished go on…..

Child care
·         Getting children ready for school and work
·         Bathing and dressing children
·         Feeding babies
·         Wiping noses and bottoms
·         Playing with children
·         Comforting babies, children and partners
·         Driving the children to school and other activities
·         Helping with homework
·         Supervising music practice
·         Reading storybooks
·         Stopping fights
Health care and companionship
·         Doing first aid
·         Caring for sick people
·         Caring for pets
·         Listening to people's stories of their day
·         Giving advice
·         Entertaining guests
·         Remembering everybody's birthday
·         Fixing things that go wrong
·         Remembering what everyone else has forgotten
·         Finding lost things
·         Putting people to bed
·         Kissing people goodnight
·         Sexual duties
Keeping up with finances, daily household items, and expenses
·         Paying monthly household bills in a timely manner
·         Making sure all household issues are resolved regarding health/car insurance, cell phone bills, doctor appointments, etc.
·         Managing spending
Any other secretarial duties that need to be done to help run a smooth partnership with the husband that is working to pay the bills

Yeeeaaah ,
Now tell me who dare to say that a housewife don’t do anything at home…..

How many of u agree ladies??

Thursday 23 May 2013

Working v/s homemaker:an Everlasting Battle

Hello friends,
I remember when I was a kid my mother was working and she use to leave me to my grandma for my care .I was so young at that time that I could not realize the fact that I am not living with my mom. As the time passed by I began to blame my mother for leaving me alone at home with my younger brother and sister. I'm the older sister so when Mom had to work, all the house duties were left to me.(Ahh I had a hard time.)
But now after being a mom I can deal with the fact that while many working mothers enjoy the freedom of working outside the home and pursuing their careers, some are forced by financial need to work, and who battle with leaving their children every day of the week.
 I am blessed with my lovely 3 year daughter and stayed home with her through her infancies, but longed to go to work. For me, initially it was very delightful staying home with my baby. Eventually it became life with enslavement and hard monotonous routine work. I could only stack blocks for so many hours before I wanted to put a skewer in my ear and out the other end. I found it boring, tedious and under-stimulating. It’s not to say that I didn’t love witnessing her first steps and feeding her and holding her. But something was missing from my soul as I wasted away in solitude, watching daily soaps and pacing with a crying baby, trying to find what it is that she wanted. I felt like my brain was slowly withering.
But working outside the home presents another unique set of challenges and physical exertion. When you work outside the home, not only are you dealing with pressures from boss and companies to make things happen, but your motherhood responsibility doesn’t simply go away. Your responsibilities double. Not only do you have to get up early in the morning,  put on makeup and uncomfortable clothing, but you have to put out fires in the workplace all day and come home to a host of house management responsibilities — cooking, cleaning, helping with homework, going to sports games and parent/teacher conferences. If you have a helpful husband, makes it much easier. (I don’t have that as my hubby is in merchant navy and most of the times don’t stay with us.)
Contrastingly staying at home has a lot of fringe benefits. You can wear what you want, set your own schedule and go to the Zoo on Tuesday if you want and you don’t need an advanced degree to do it! I don’t say that as a criticism, but some women don’t want to go to college and decide they want to be CEO of their households instead. I’d compare it more like a work at home job (24/7job without salary)
There are pluses and minuses to both choices, although some choices are more forced than others, influenced by a family’s dynamic, education level, career choice and financial situation.Deciding on whether to stay home or to work is a very personal decision and each situation is unique. Concluding we can say that  there will never be one correct answer to the question, which is better, Stay at home or Working Mother. Choice is totally yours.